
Vitamins are only needed in small amounts to maintain a healthy body. A lack of vitamins in the diet leads to deficiency symptoms.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is needed to help heal wounds and maintain healthy connective tissue (which gives support to other tissues and organs).Citrus fruits on a plate, including a lime, a lemon and a pink grapefruitOranges are a good source of vitamin C

Good sources of vitamin C include:

  • citrus fruits (such as oranges, lemons and limes)
  • leafy green vegetables (such as sprouts and broccoli)

Vitamin C deficiency leads to scurvy. The symptoms of scurvy include bleeding and swelling of the gums, loss of teeth, tiredness and muscle and joint pain.

Vitamin D

The human body can make vitamin D when our skin is exposed to sunlight.Mackrel fishOily fish such as mackerel and sardines are a good source of vitamin D

Good dietary sources of vitamin D include:

  • eggs
  • margarine and breakfast cereals fortified with vitamin D
  • oily fish

Vitamin D is needed to maintain healthy bones and teeth. Vitamin D deficiency leads to rickets and bone pain.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is needed to maintain good vision, healthy skin and strong immunity against infection.Half a dozen eggsEggs are a good source of vitamin A

Good sources of vitamin A include:

  • milk, and dairy products (such as cheese and yoghurt)
  • mackerel and other oily fish

Vitamin A deficiency leads to night blindness, which is when a person finds it difficult to see well in dim light.

The body can convert beta-carotene (found in carrots, spinach and mangoes, for example) into vitamin A.

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