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Definition of Selling

The sales profession has offered numerous definitions of selling. With each writer (this one included) comes another definition, another viewpoint. However, see what you think.

It's simple. Selling is talking with:

  • The right person at
  • The right time with
  • The right solution for The right price, recognizing § The right time to confirm (close).

I call these the five rights of passage. Your sales call will only be as effective as the weakest right. All five must work in harmony to advance the sale. Imagine the frustration of trying to close the sale by talking to the wrong person at the wrong time with the right solution. Therein lies the challenge of professional selling: earning the right to advance the sale by executing the five rights of passage. You must be in sync with your client throughout the entire Sequential Model or the sale is lost. Worse yet, you may end up forcing the sale and creating buyer's remorse. That's where the sinking feeling of regret creeps into the customer's mind. These five rights give new meaning to "the rights of a customer."

Another definition of selling is, "Selling is the process of disruption." Ultimately, you are there to facilitate change, disrupt your customers' current situation, and improve their business by suggesting they buy from you. Don't expect to walk into a prospect's office and hear him or her say with enthusiasm, "Oh, thank goodness a sales representative showed up! We have done without for so long. We were hoping someone would drop by soon."

It won't happen. If selling were that easy, you'd be earning the minimum wage.

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