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Governance is the way people are ruled with or without their consent.


  • Governance is as old as humanity.
  • All societies on earth have had at least one form of government or another.
  • It, therefore, follows that Zambians too had some form of government in the pre-colonial era were kings ruled the kingdoms.


Good governance

 Bad governance

  1. Good governance

 Means a government that is legitimate, competent, accountable, and respects human rights and the rule of law


  • It enables citizens to enjoy human rights and freedoms
  • It makes the government accountable to the and people
  • Makes  governments operations transparent
  • It enables citizens to enjoy equal rights and freedoms before the law.
  • It enables citizens to fully participate in electing leaders of their own choice.


Citizen Participation

All people take an active role in the affairs of their community and country. They elect their leaders as well as standing for public office and mobilizing for social action in a democratic way. Respect for human rights

All forms of human rights are recognized promoted and respected e.g. right to vote.

Separation of powers

This is the principle that states that the three major organs of the government namely the Legislature, executive and the Judiciary must work independently but provide Checks and Balances. Meaning each organ of the government should share powers with other branches and operates within the constitution of the country.

Independence of the Judiciary

The judiciary is vested with the responsibility of interpreting and enforcing the law free from interference by the Executive and the legislature. Once appointed, they should not be easily dismissed.

Political tolerance

People with different political opinions must be able to freely express themselves and their opinions should be respected. Political violence against people who support different political parties should not be tolerated.

Accountability and Transparency

Accountability means that leaders should be answerable to the people who elected them into office. Transparency requires that public resources must be used for government and community programs and activities in consultation with the people.  

Regular free and fair elections

Elections must be held at agreed intervals. Periodic free and fair elections are conducted.  For example in Zambia General elections are held every five years. Every citizen who has reached the voting age should register and vote.  Universal suffrage, Franchise (right to vote).


The rule of law

The Rule of Law means that those in power should rule the country in accordance with the constitution and the other laws of the country. All people in the country are subject to the same laws and should be held accountable if they break them.  Rule of law avoid anarchy in society.

Existence of political parties

A political party is voluntary associations where people share common values and wish to form an alternative government of the country. During elections political parties sponsor candidates for the office of the president, members of parliament and ward councilor.

Functions of Political parties

  • Educate people on their rights and obligations.
  • Point out the shortcomings of the government in power
  • Provide an alternative program through manifestos
  • Provide checks and balances
  • Facilitate peaceful transfer of power from one political party to another


Existence of civil Society

 Civil society needs to exist as they provide checks and balance since they are non-military, non-governmental organizations and individual who make it their business to promote and defend basic ideals of good governance outside government.


 The government should make sure that no one is excluded from access to any public service for any reasons e.g. race, colour creed, gender and mental or physical disability. Government workers should be recruited and promoted openly on merit and they should carry out the functions of the government impartially.

Helpful and caring

 Government should be helpful and take care of the interests of the citizens both at home and abroad. Public services should be treated with courtesy and sure that public servants are properly trained in public relations with clearly defined standards of behavior.


  • Bad Governance is a government that is not legitimate, competent, and accountable and does not respect human rights and the rule of law.
  • It is a government that rules against the wishes of the people. E.g. dictatorship.



Restriction on Political parties

People are forced to vote for certain candidates whenever elections are held. Opposition parties are not allowed to exist or strictly controlled by the government

Lack of separation of powers

The three organs of the government do not work independently such as the operations of the Judiciary and the legislature should not be interfered by the executive.

Lack of press freedom

The press is controlled by the government and often reports favorably on government policies. The opposing view is not allowed in public media.

Violation of Human Rights

There is no respect for Human rights. People who oppose the government can be tortured and detained without trial or can be killed

Judiciary not independent

The Judiciary is not independent of the Executive and the legislature. There is little respect for the rule of law and there is no fair trial.

Arbitrary arrests

There are arbitrary arrests of suspected dissidents who are critical of the government. The secret police spies on the citizens 

Lack of freedom of association and Assembly

Voluntary associations such as civil societies do not operate freely. Those who do not conform to government policies can be banned

Neglect of public welfare

Government Leaders do not care for the welfare of the people. There is corruption, Nepotism, and other forms of abuse of office

Use of force

The government uses force to remain in power and other methods such as constitutional amendments and postponement of election dates

Irregular and Unfair elections

Elections are not held regularly. If held they are not free and fair. There is vote-rigging

Lack of Citizen Participation

The government decides for the people. People become servants instead of masters of the government. The government claims to know what is good for the people. People are rarely consulted and their concerns are often ignored

Electoral systems

Electoral systems are methods through which the governed choose their leaders or representatives


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