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Step 3 — Pick a Niche

If you say that your target customer is “everybody” then nobody will be your customer. The marketplace is jam-packed with the competition. You’ll have more success jumping up and down in a small puddle than in a big ocean.


Carve out a specific niche and dominate that niche; then you might consider moving on to a second niche (but not before you’ve dominated the first one!).


You could be a “lawyer that specializes in child accident liability” or a “CPA for used car dealers” or a “dry cleaner for the Heritage Park subdivision in West Oaks, CA.” You get the picture. Make sure to choose a niche that interests you and that is easy to contact. I can’t stress this point enough.


There’s nothing more destructive than to pick a niche that you can’t communicate with or that costs you a ton of money to contact.

Sharing is caring and loving !